Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: I Will Miss You

Since I've pretty much made a summary of how my 2011 went, I believe I only have space to blog about the lessons I learned this year. 2011 felt like that year where I feel I've grown the most, a crucial transitioning from child to adult, and while I cannot I am completely there, I can say that my progress to becoming the man, whatever that means, has taken quite a huge step. I can say that 2011 is my best year. Too many significant things happened this year, and I can say quite feels like the twin of 2012: a prelude of the things to happen this 2012, a joint appendage, if you may. I just hope 2012 is as good. 2011 is hard to let go of, and will always hold a special place in my heart.

Anyhoo, here are some of the lessons I've learned and would like to share to everyone. Hope you pick up something good.

Accepting your flaws is the first step to loving yourself ; loving yourself is the first step to optimism; optimism is the first step to growth; and growth is the first step to success.

Life is short, do what makes you happy.

Fear is a reasoning, and for every reasoning, there is a counter-reasoning. Courage, is therefore, simply a reasoning on your fear.

Always keep your promises, that is the easiest way to build yourself to people.

Sometimes, the only closure you can get is the lack of it.

Choose your friends, they probably choose theirs, too.

Patience pays.

Once you take your fight to the Internet, you've already lost.

Remember that all this exercise and keeping in shape is for the ultimate goal of finding that someone you wanna get fat with.

Use simple words, life is hard already for you to make your emails / posts / tweets a chore to read.

Enjoy everything that comes your way; everything ends. Cherish them while they last.

Hold on to your happiness, find that connection. Then pass it on. You can only make others happy if you are happy to begin with.

Try new things; that's our difference with animals, we try things out of our instincts' dictations.

It's ok to cry, be angry, be sad, be hateful, but you have to let that go, else you're missing on a lot of great things being consumed by such emotions.

Heavy emotions are just as bad as drugs, never do anything under their influence, the consequences range from irredeemable shame to severed ties.

Smile. People who smile are beautiful.

Everyone has an interesting story to tell. Listen.

Widen your perspective, you're not the only person in the world.

With a good sense of humor, you can survive just about anything.


  1. Once you take your fight to the Internet, you've already lost. <- HAHHAHAAHA
