Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pick of the Week: Never Forget You

I know, I know! Pick of the Week, but hey, no pick until like what, 2 weeks after. Sorry, it's just hard to juggle everything I wanna do in life and you know still get to really update my blog like once a week. Heck, I don't even know why I named my blog "The Daily Anomaly," I really don't. Anyways. Going back to the topic on hand, yes, pick of the week.

This one is from Noisettes, and is a song very dear to me. A friend introduced this song to me a few months ago, and it has been on my playlist since. 

First, some backgrounder:

Noisettes is some sort of an indie rock / anti-folk band. The band's vocalist pictured above is an eccentric (or as I'd like to think) black woman by the name of Shingai Shoniwa. The Noisettes are based in the UK, and as such, well, you won't see them much in Billboard.

This week's pick is entitled "Never Forget You," it's about estranged lovers meeting up again after a long time, with Shingai saying that she'd never forget her old flame and that they were merely victims of circumstances. It's an upbeat song that has a sad feeling to it, a song I'd relate to the friends, and well, old flames I've lost along the way, and how it's never easy to forget someone who's been a part of you, even if briefly. And yes, I do feel that way about most people who's touched my life. So for you, dear reader, who's touched my life with your generosity of a visit, this week's pick is for you. The Noisettes with Never Forget You.

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